zaterdag 10 juli 2010


The bird lost his wing... could never fly again.
But still... there is hope.

Running out of hope wasn't an option,

but still there is fear.

Fear for the ones who will leave,

but still... there is trust in them.

That little teeny bit is the last thing what we can do.

That's hope

( No I don't mean me :P )

vrijdag 9 juli 2010

A long time ago

Can't even remeber the last time I was here. Had a hard time with remembering the site name.
I know .. it's terrible. I have been working a lot on things... I always say that. I make some many excuses. But someone mailed me today. And it really hit me. Ohh now don't you think about soo much drama. It was just a friendly mail :) . Made me think about this blog again. How I could write my own experience and feelings. Really helpt me in that though periode I was going through. But now its time to get back at work...
I have been painting just show u one now :) and some pictures which i adore.
Enjoy your life, lots of kisses from me :D

vrijdag 14 mei 2010

Whatever it means

lost everything
Everything I could wish for
forever and always
Always in the corner of the room
Room without light
light wasn't a word that didn't even had a meaning
Meaning of my life passed by ... it was just nothing
Nothing is the word that suits my life
Life is something I don't have and never going to live
"Live your life to the end"
End of this life already passed me by

- By Hope Alias -

zaterdag 26 december 2009

my Christmas card for you

A little story

If you don't understand the story that well.. :)

it's oke. Lame story any way.

26 December

It's christmas ... and soon new year.

I wish you all a healthy and good 2010 :)
May all your dreams come true... will it be filled with happiness.

And merry christmas to you all.

maandag 30 november 2009

Advertisement ?

Throughout the world is an image created about women. Sometimes ideal images and sometimes sexual ( the same about men). I don't like it when people go and create a picture that is false or bad. BUt who am I to judge about it. I am also guilty for one thing. I have some prejudices. Prejudices don't always mean it in a bad way. But the point I really wanted to make is generate our thoughts.

I talk too much about thougths etc. but look at that picture. If you aks a man what he sees, he will immediately say " it's a brah". ( I don't want to be discriminative, same goes for women). And he is right.But do think carefully. Is it just a brah? Maybe a woman who throws her brah away because she has breast cancer. Or ever thought of a naked girl with no brah? NOt one person would consider these thoughts when we see this picture. But is it true that we learend to have these thoughts and feelings about some pictures? Although our own feelings and thoughts we created is based on our experience. I'll stop, you are getting bored I see. Or not?

- hope alias -